Joe’s Story
I am an entrepreneur, adventurer, and transformation guy.
By applying techniques for mental toughness, creative problem solving, leadership, and personal effectiveness, I believe we are all capable of living the High Performance Life where body, mind, and soul come together for a fulfilled life.
I am the founder of The High Performance Life, or THPL, a philosophy and guide to learning techniques for mental toughness, creative problem solving, leadership, and personal effectiveness. My prime focus is on practices in the areas of life, learning, and fitness for personal fulfillment and improving human performance in all walks of life.
With positive emotions and a no-constraint mindset we frame the choices and the actions we take in the context of a path to achievement and life fulfillment.
We seek information and knowledge that enables us to change our behavior for the better, and improve our performance.
Our mission is to integrate physical activity into our day-to-day lives, and to focus on nutrition as an essential element of creating both a healthy and powerful mind and body.
Read on to learn more about my thoughts and experiences on my quest to lead a high performance life.
I have been blogging every day for the past seven years and some say that I am a passionate endurance athlete, having completed six Ironman triathlons, 40 ultra-marathons, and 35 marathons. In 2017, I ran Six Marathons across Six Continents on Six Consecutive days.