THPL as Enabler

OK, so we live this THPL life, we go on the journey, we challenge ourselves every day to do better in the categories of Life, Learning and Fitness.  When we do so we see improvements in performance, in feelings of fulfillment and in the satisfaction of knowing that we have put in an effort and received a return.  And there are many instances, I am sure, when your THPL commitment has given you corollary benefits and you smile as a result.  Rest assured your ever improving capabilities might not always show themselves but your they are there waiting to be used.  And tonight, in a very funny way, I was able to take advantage of my THPL commitment to running.

The story – arrive late for a connecting flight in O’hare airport, at the furthest terminal and furthest gate from where you need to go.  Eight minutest to get to your waiting flight and a long way to go.  Turn on the afterburners and start running, dogging people and fixtures, traversing the terminal as if you were running the 400 yard dash.  Hoping that you don’t knock anyone over and that you do not get there a second late.  The time goes quickly and about half way there THPL fitness kicks in and the speed just notches up.  It was go, go, go and finally gate H18 was in site (the end of the terminal of course).  The gate agent yelled, San Francisco?  And I nodded in delight, as the door was still open for one more person.  Down the jetway I charged, the door closing behind me and success was had.  I sat down in my seat and took a deep breath, I am happy that I was fit enough to make it and even happier that I do not have to sleep at O’hare.  Maybe all those miles were worth running…..


Loving life with THPL at my side