I am confident that we all would agree that, Nik Wallenda (who walked a tight rope between two building in Chicago yesterday) is an honorary THPL community member. For sure he lives a high performance life. There is no way you can pull off the feats that he does without the attributes that we aspire to stick to as we aim to drive towards high performance. Focus, practice, confidence, planning and exquisite execution are required to do anything hard but you need to take it to another level when you challenge fate and the odds and you execute flawlessly. It is great to see that this level of performance can get attention and draw interest. Maybe, just maybe a few others will be inspired by his performance, not necessarily to do what Nik does but to create goals and to find a way to execute in spite of all of the obstacles that could be imagined. And it is fun to see that Nik has already set out his next goal(Little Colorado River Gorge Walk) – yup – a THPLer for sure
Loving life as our THPL community grows.