Setting an example

Every day we have an opportunity to set an example for how we should live our lives, treat people and be part of our community.  We, many of us, do this in the context of THPL with our focus on Life, Learning and Fitness.  The call to action, though, should be to think about how to be more explicit about setting an example.  What can we do, when given an opportunity, to show others how we all should think and live.  It would be foolish to believe that everything we do is “the example” – that is not the goal.  Rather we just need to be cognizant of the power of “the example” and how and when we can use this mindset to passively raise expectations for how to live.  Think of it, when people around you see you doing things well, such as treating others with respect, providing coaching and guidance, giving of your time they will begin to copy your approach.  Good example begets good behavoir and before you know it “all boats rise” and we are just doing better.  It is as simple as that.  The “just do it” slogan becomes “just do it right”.  Now that would change things….

Loving life when setting the example