Goals have a way of getting your blood flowing just a bit hotter. And it is really fun to see what happens when a challenge goal is thrown down by members of the THPL community. The idea suggested today by some of our THPLers is to run 2015 miles in 2015. A big tall task but one that is reachable with focus, support, planning and commitment. And there is even a bit of structure to help with the tracking - http://www.runtheedge.com/2014/12/run-2015-in-2015-challenge/ .
The goodness of a goal like this is that it gets you active of mind, body and spirit. Lots of emotion and excitement up front, then the realization that you need to put time into figuring out how to achieve the goal and then a bit of nerves at what is ahead. When we wonder how to take "it" to the next level this is how to do it – doing something big and meaningful at the same time your peers are going for it – it keeps us accountable to ourselves and our peers. So far I know three members of our THPL community are signed up. Who knows how many more might do this one – or take another play on 2015. Could it be 201.5 swimming miles? Or 20,150 pushups? or 2015 cycling miles. Have fun with it – there is only goodness that can come from the process and the experience.
Get ready here comes 2015, it is just around the corner!
Loving life, and big 2015 goals!