Memorable Moments

Yes, it is that time of year when we continue to reflect on what we did on our 2014 THPL journey.  And what a year it was.  So many wonderful moments, so many great memories, so many interesting places and people met.  With over 125,000 miles flown, 4,000 run, 20,000 driven and countless locations visited I decided to stop for a minute and think about some of the more memorable moments from the year. 

There was the homeless man in in Birmingham, AL telling me about the history of the civil rights movement in the US.   The morning jog in the central park of Sao Paulo Brazil with locals that made the world feel friendly and familiar.  The back stage tour of the NYC metropolitan opera house that brought the arts to life. The emotion of running in the Boston marathon the year after the bombing. The visit to the home of the Beatles in Liverpool and the beginning of pop music.  And running the last 13 miles of the Leadville trail 100 with my daughter Julianne, crossing the finish line with her support.  And truth be told the list of moments goes on and on and I carry the memories, the highs, the challenges, the fun, the struggles, the great and the good with me into 2015.

Yes, 2015 is just about here and I am reminded that this THPL journey is a special blessing whereby we learn that our lives are made and not given.  That we each have our own list of remarkable moments that we have created and then some.  We can take solace and pleasure in what we experience and how it takes us further in our lifes mission to live the high performance life.  And, please, if you have not done so take a minute to do your own reflecting and create your list of memorable moments.  They are there and ready to be revealed.  And they will become the “kindling wood” for the fire that you can light to set ablaze your 2015 version of THPL 

Loving life, because how can you not!