Christmas Lights

 THPL is a choice, it is a decision we make to live a certain way, to feel a certain way and to create a framework for how to live each day.  And along the way there are parts of our life that reinforce the THPL way.  Many of the reinforcements come in the form of traditions, values, beliefs that we bring to our embracing of the THPL way.  And at this time of year, when many of us are busy doing so many “things” it is great to have some of the core Christmas images reinforce for us what matters and how we value those parts of our life that are personal to us.  One of these examples is the tradition of stringing lights on trees, when we make a conscious decision to take some time to bring a few visual queues into our life so that we are reminded of the great holiday season we are in the midst of.  It is fun, it is visually appealing, and it is truly symbolic of what matters to us.  Christmas is message of hope and giving and when we see the lights it is a reminder that we need to stay true to this message.  It is paramount that we make the effort and not get lost in the day-to-day distractions.  Let’s figure out what our “lights” mean to each of us and appreciate them in this wonderful holiday season.

Loving life with Christmas lights and a smile on