Childhood and Potential

It has been quite some time since I posted a TED video that I felt was worth sharing.  Maybe my standards have gone up (just like expected on the THPL journey) or maybe there is just less “new” stuff out there to watch.  Either way I am quite pleased to have found a new, interesting and inspiring video to share (see below).  As I thought about sharing the video – even if you do not take the time to watch it (about 16 minutes long) I realized there is a true conundrum presented within the story line of the video.  Essentially, we start in this world with wonder, awe, hope, faith and a belief that anything is possible (as reflected in how a child lives and behaves).  And then along the way we slowly lose these endearing and empowering human attributes and some of the tragedy of life begins.  Great potential untapped and unfulfilled. 

We have to press hard to reverse this trend and keep our wonder, and awe of life, and all related possibilities alive.  The more vigorously we support this notion, directly and indirectly, the higher the probability we will have a better planet, happier people and fulfillment serving as norm. 

TED talk video abstract - Childhood is surreal. Why shouldn't children's books be? In this whimsical talk, award-winning author Mac Barnett speaks about writing that escapes the page, art as a doorway to wonder — and what real kids say to a fictional whale. – Truly Wonderful!

Loving life while walking my whale on the streets of San Francisco


Joey g