The Year in Review 2014

few days have transpired and we are on our way to a great 2015 but before I get to deep into the goals and plans for this year I need to take a moment and review the year that was 2014.  It was quite a remarkable year, one filled with challenges, achievements, changes and accomplishments.  And having now done this kind of recap for many years it never ceases to amaze me what we are capable of accomplishing.  Write it down, follow through and you will indeed do more than you thought was possible.   The highlight for sure was my first 100-mile running race at the Leadville 100 Trail Run.  The race provided a view into who I am, what I am capable of and how you can do a lot with the right team. 

Once again the THPL community was there for me whenever I needed it and it continues to get better, stronger and more resilient.  We gather strength from each other, we support each other and we cheer on our fellow practitioners as it is in their success, as much as our own, that we find the true meaning of THPL.  

Ah, yes, the recap - the year started with a set of objectives / goals.  And here is how I did:

 Life – I did indeed do more with the Blog as intended.  With the help of Julianne we built a THPL website, created an auto email solution with Mail Chimp and continued to post to the Blog every day.   

Yoga – Another failure – I think I did two yoga sessions all year – not the once a week I was planning on.  It just seems hard for me to get myself to go to yoga even though each time I do I enjoy it.  Time to do some thinking about the practicality of this goal

I did continue to give to others coaching support and enjoyed my interactions with members of the THPL community 

Learning – The goal was to watch 20 videos a week of smart people.  I came close with 700 but feel like I met the goal because many of the videos were longer than the typical 18 minute TED video length and so the number of hours of watching equaled the goal.  What a year it was to hear the insights of all of those smart people – I feel so lucky to be able to learn from them

Fitness – Run 4,000 miles, run a marathon a month and do 25, pushups.  All were accomplished - the final numbers came in at 4,290 miles, 15 marathons, including three ultras and 31,276 pull-ups.  I feel stronger than ever and while there were days that were challenging it all played out quite nicely.  I am ready to keep it going and take on some big goals in 2015.

I leave 2014 energized and ready for 2015 and committed to THPL for now and a long time to come.  I hope you all continue to come on this journey with me.  We know not where it goes but it will be magical that is for sure 

Loving life and truly happy with 2014