From as early as we all can remember – there are rules that we have to follow. And while we might question them (from time to time) we more often than not follow the rules. And so as we think about our THPL journey and whether we can stick to the goals that we set for ourselves it would only seem reasonable, then, that we would create some rules for ourselves that guide our behavior. The rules are really, at the end of the day, our pathway to success. The rules, when aligned to our goals, take the thinking and deciding out of the process and ensures that we get done that which we need to get done to succeed. For example, I always run on Saturday, I don’t have dessert during the week, when stairs are available I walk up them, and many, many more. All we have to do is to define the rules, write them down, and then stick to them. Since we know we are capable of doing so – then we might as well follow the rules. After all, they will help us get to our goals. What could be better than that!
Loving life, when following the rules