Wind in our Face

There are moments on the THPL journey when we find the wind in our face.  This can be a literal or a figurative wind – it could be on a run or a ride, a hard problem and even a difficult situation - either way what it means is that we are finding some kind of resistance to what we are seeking to accomplish.  And it is at these moments when we need to step back and think about what we are trying to get done – where we are trying to do and how do we want to measure ourselves and our progress on our journey.  So, how about we look at this one a bit differently – “wind in our face” it is just a more intense part of life, there is no tragedy that comes of it, only more feeling, more opportunity to see how creative we are to work with it or around it.  We can enjoy our journey so much more and get so much more out of it when we realize that our life is made of moments, all of them great, and wind in our face – maybe we should seek it out – after all isn’t THPL to be all about going big…….

Loving life, with the wind in my face