The hero in us

There is, somewhere along the THPL journey, a time when we will encounter someone we would consider a hero, (it could even be ourselves).  We all appreciate a hero and we admire them for who they are and how they live.  And as we come to the end of 2016, and we navigate the holidays, it is a good time for us to think about anyone who we know who is a hero, in our circle of life, and why they are a hero.  And the more we think about it we come to realize that heroism is not an accident, in fact a “hero” is built over a lifetime.  The hero builds skills and hones them to such a degree that their mastery makes them brave which allows them to unleash sources of strength and power not otherwise expected. It is this power from within, that makes remarkable things happen, and provides the opportunity to show that we are all capable of being a hero.  We just need to have patience, dedicate ourselves to mastery and let the energy that is within us to power our inner self so that the hero inside us comes out…

Loving life, with heroes all around,,,