Results are not failure

There are some days when on our journey, that we feel like we have it all together, when we are ready for the race, the presentation, the test, and we put all we have into it and for some reason our results do not match our expectations or our potential.  The key at these moments is to figure out how to press forward after “failing”.  What we need to realize is that a specific result is not who we are, it is not a measure of our character; it is not a defining moment in our lives.  Just because of one bad race, or one bad test, it does not mean we are not good runners or students.  Rather it is a temporal view of that moment,an opportunity to appreciate life for all of its seeming ups and downs and to think that the experience itself, the process, the race, the test, they were amazing experiences, opportunities to feel, learn and grow.  For sure it is all about perspective and it would seem that on our THPL journey that the right perspective is what we need, all the time.  We cannot fully control our results but we can fully control our perspective.  When we get this into our heads life just gets a whole lot better.

 Loving life, every day, yes, every day!