The Heart of the "problem"

 Every journey of meaning has challenges, aka “problems”. And for sure I am confident that as we have made our way on our THPL journey to find out how to solve the “problem” we think of the difficulty of the problem. And when we do this we leave ourselves with a route forward that is of brute force, lacking in finesses and often missing the mark and being stuck with no way to solve it.

 The solution to address this less than effective approach is to shift our thinking away from the “difficulty” of the problem to the “heart” of the problem. When we focus on the heart of the problem we drop our brute force approach and we look for a way to connect to the solution – how can we “feel” more of our way forward and come closer to the feedback that the problem will provide us. It is when we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to subjugate ourselves to the “problem” that we can see the path forward. Give it a try, it is through practice that we get better at finding the heart of the problem and the joy of the solution to it.

Loving life when fully prepared