Sticking to the Plan

The THPL journey, in its best implementation, follows a proscribed path – one that is based on proven approaches and tried and true techniques.  And this is not just fitness or learning related – it also affects our nutrition and how we take care of ourselves.  With all of the strain that we put on ourselves we need some pillars that we can build on.  Food and rest are two pillars and they are a key part of how we go at our version of THPL.  

And so the key is to first define the elements of your diet and day that are the foundation for feeling good and keeping a high level of energy.  And once we find it we need to make every effort to stick to it.  Our system works best when we fuel it properly, when we let it repair with rest and we take care not to abuse it with too many  “bad’ things.  So, let’s commit to making the plan, perfecting it and then sticking to it.  We will be way better for it.  And to this point I am looking forward to my Greek yogurt and bran buds cereal for breakfast in the morning!  

Loving life when sticking to the plan