Middle of the Week

Ah, the journey, the THPL journey – it is a big commitment.  We spend untold numbers of miles and hours and have experience after experience happen as we traverse the journey.  And when we step back to observe our progress we see moments of big gain and some of seemingly little forward movement.  Yet we press on and we do so with a commitment to stay the course because we are on a mission to amp up our feeling of personal fulfillment.  And to do this we, for sure, need to stay focused and we cannot allow the “middle of the week” days to hold us back.  We all know them; they are non-descript, not much doing, somewhat a repeat of other days, kind of day.  They are the quicksand of life, they slow us down and they trap us in the rituals and habits of mediocrity.  We cannot let this happen and so we need to get through them quickly and onto exciting days or turn them into learning days, or some other day of progress.  When we do this, consistently, we can get passed the middle of the week (metaphorically) and we can stay on that magical THPL journey that delivers us so much reward and fulfillment that we will keep it going for evermore.

Loving life, jumping over the middle of the week.