We have to do better – it could be a theme for THPL generally. Life, Learning, and Fitness, how could we not want to do better? We know it is possible – it just takes focus and follow through and we do better. Which leads me to today – April 22nd – Earth Day, started 45 years ago, Earth Day is celebrated around the world, where once a year, events are held in 192 countries and there are events held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. And over the years there has been an increasing awareness of Earth Day and the care that we need to give to our planet so that It can be around for a long time to come. But one day, does not a trend make, and unfortunately, too often, there is little care given to our precious earth as the disposable economy gets bigger, people still waste precious resources like water, and generally do not worry about the impact of their actions on the planet.
So when I read the Uber blog today I was pleasantly surprised to read about a company who does care about the environment. Paraphrasing their blog, the UberPool offering has saved thousands of gallons of gas, thousand of tons of Co2 saved and countless other benefits derived from more efficient use of cars in big cities, like San Fran, NY and Paris. And from this I press again the point that we have to do better. How we do better is up to us – the categories are obvious we need to do better than inconsistent recycling, we need to conserve power, we need to have less consumption, we should allow the sharing economy to thrive and we need stop creating senseless waste and maybe most importantly we need to hold each other accountable for the totality of what Earth Day stands for. Yes indeed, Earth Day, a day to be proud of!
Loving life, when Earth Day becomes every day