It is always worth the effort

“If you want to see how an animal lives you do not go to the zoo you go to the jungle” is an apt metaphor for how we need to live the THPL life.  To maximize what we know, how we should think, how we should act, requires a level of intimacy with people and topics that are just not the same as you get in the “virtual” world.  To get a real sense at a level of depth and nuance requires personal interaction and especially on “their” turf.  Often, I find, that when the effort seems too high, the commitment big and timing awkward that these are the best times to go, make the visit, get on the ground and mix it up.  Every time, and I do mean every time, these visits turn out to be incredibly valuable.  So, look for opportunities to get “there”, wherever there is and get engaged.  Listen, and then listen some more – watch all that is around you and before you realize you will have just advanced your cause, your journey will be richer and the sense of fulfillment deeper.  

Loving life, when in the jungle…..