There are many a conversation that I have with THPLers along this journey that we have set out on. And some of the conversations bring to fore interesting questions that make us think (which is a good thing). Most recently we found ourselves talking about people who are “tough”. You know them, they push through all sorts of obstacles, pain is a nuisance, they seem to thrive on adversity. For them hardship is understood and does not get in the way of progress. They are resilient (one of our favorite THPL words) and they have a rugged feel to them. And they are easy to identify. But the big question that we got stuck on relates to how do you get that way? Is it learned, earned, or given? Do you start off tough and just get better at it? And why some people and not others? What is it, in the make-up of a person, that some are more inclined to be tough? It appears to be a bit of all of the above. And while it is indeed, to this point, that only some of us are “tough”, there is nothing to hold anyone back from such a designation. Just a bit of practice and a sincere intent and you can be among the “tough” guys/gals! A good thing to bring along on our THPL journey – you never know when a bit of toughness is all it takes to get to your goal – even one that appears harder than expected to achieve…
Loving life, …..tough guy…… Ciao
Joey g