Let’s Make it Positive

The best of days are when everything goes right on the THPL journey.  Right effort, right results, right timing – you know those moments, you are in the flow and time moves fast and life feels great.  And while there is nothing like these moments, they often are fleeting.  There are more times when there are obstacles in life, when it feels like making progress is just too hard or when we just don’t feel good or right about things.  It is at these moments when we have a choice – we can go negative and make it worse or we can take the time to pull up, to look beyond the moment, to find the good in what we are doing or others are doing and in the THPL life that is worth living.    There are a lot of great benefits that come when we can bring a positive view to life – and maybe it is really for the benefit of others because they will take our positivity and get infected from by it.  More and more positive people will make for a very good life and a THPL tsunami that washes over all of us with great effect. 

Loving life when we make it positive