Back on the Road

Well, I am not sure, that the title of this post is 100% accurate – I have not stopped traveling but I have spent the past few weeks in the states.  And now that pattern is broken and I am on my way to Cochin India, in the southern most part of the country.  Not exactly sure what I find when I get there but as it is almost on the equator I am expecting a sub-tropical feel to it and some pretty surroundings.  I will report more in a few days.

And with this trip I am reminded, yet again, the risk of getting into a “rut”.  It is so easy to just do the same thing every day.  We get it figured out and we follow the pattern and we do it again and again.  And there are parts of the THPL journey that even reinforce repetition as a way to improve performance.  Without a catalyst for change who knows what might happen.  We get better but we see the same thing again and again.  What I have found works to mitigate this risk is to plan activities / changes of scenery, travel, etc. in the future – make the plan now – planning is easy and then when the time comes you just have to do it.  You have to go because you made the commitment and when you do, you break your pattern.  I have never seen a time when breaking the pattern does not help.  It improves everything, from what you are doing, to the way you look at life.  We need change, stimulation, different, all to get us to appreciate life, to feel it, to really live it and get the most out of it.  It does not have to be a trip to Cochin India, which by the way is disruptive; it just needs to be something different.  Think of it, write it down, make the commitment, go do it.  You, I am confident, will be better for it!

Loving life, when on a path to different