It is that time of year when we are planning vacations, adventures, excursions, but often we have a challenge getting them on the calendar. Too many things in the way, not enough time to go, maybe financially challenged, there are many reasons why we never get around to the big adventure…..ah, but we cannot leave it there. We have to develop an alternative something that keeps us on our THPL mission and thus the idea of the microadventure.
The microadventure, a quick outing, that offers “something different, something exciting—but cheap, simple, short, and on your doorstep.” It could be a spontaneous weeknight campout. Or maybe running your ten-mile commute instead of getting in the car. A full-moon hike on your favorite trail. What happens when we plan for the micro-adventure is that most objections are eradicated and the freedom to just go and do something shows itself nicely. And since they fit into our lives we can make them work whenever we are in the mood. Time to have some fun!
Loving life, when on a microadventure.