Just another day

Today is just another day.....If it were so then the entirety of the THPL journey would crumble and vanish.  But there is no such thing as “just another day”.  Every day is precious; they are finite, even though we live as though they are infinite.  We make our day as want them to be  - sometimes it is with great energy and fervor, other times with thoughtfulness and reflection and of course there are those days that are just playful and entertaining.  Regardless of which variation, what matters is that each day is to be packed with emotion, nothing short of all that we can be, all that we want, and all that we need to feel.  The measure, for each of us, on this journey, will be, did we get everything we could out of each day?  We still have quite a few days left – let’s grab them and do something and make sure that not a one of them turns into “just another day”.  Yup, that’s it

Loving life, when I can really feel the day.