Every day, two, three or more times we make food choices. And on the THPL journey there is certainly an impact of the food choices we make. We push ourselves and the fuel that keeps us going and ready for more comes in many forms, types, colors, tastes, flavors and more. So, how are we to decide what to eat? We might know something about food and that is good but beyond our surface knowledge are there a few heuristics that we can use to better optimize what we eat? One heuristic that is used, as a defense against, packaged, “science project” foods is to focus on eating foods that rot. Yea, focus on eating foods that have a shorter shelf life. Foods that last a “long time” either have added ingredients or something taken out of them. They can be far from natural and might have collateral affects that we do not even know about. Funny to think that it is technology in some form that is used in the food process. Did mother nature need “tech” when she created seeds and fields and harvests for substance? Maybe a shorter shelf life is just one “rule of thumb” (heuristic) that we can use when making food choices. It can’t hurt to try…..
Loving life, when eating food before it rots