Road Trip

So the first day of the summer has already passed.  Sadly, while still long, the days are getting shorter.  And before we know it we will be wondering where the summer went.  For people on the THPL journey time does go by quickly, we are focused on goals, we have fallen in love with life and we are part of a great community of like-minded people.  Ah, but, lest all of this goodness go for naught, it seems that a few road trips are in order for the coming months.  Some planned, some unplanned, the key is that you leave your familiar surroundings and you go exploring – it needs to be a minimum of two days (three is better) to get the full sense of discovering new things, of seeing and feeling different and getting acquainted with the unfamiliar.  Road trips are special times, a bit less structured than a vacation and more dynamic than our day-to-day lives.  They get us seeing more, feeling better and appreciating all that exists around us (and we didn’t know about). You can make it what you want – there are really no rules for a road trip.  Just have fun, do it soon and then do it again.  You might even get addicted to “road tripping”! 

Loving life, when on the road!