Have you ever had that moment when you just did something better. You ran faster, you shortened the time it took to write something, you read a book and really understood it. There are a million examples and each time we encounter a “better” moment we feel good about it. Mostly because we know it was of our own doing – and that is so rewarding. Getting better is truly an inherent need of the human condition as it expands, for us, in every dimension what is possible – and for sure getting better is central to THPL. The goodness is that we know how to get better - Put effort into the act – Apply ourselves more deeply – Repeat and repeat till we get it right…….
So it is curious why some do not strive to be better – that they are ok with the “same” that they do not push to new limits. It seems the intrinsic rewards alone are enough to push everyone in this direction. Rather, though, than solving the unsolvable, how about we, on our THPL journey, focus every day on being better. We make the goal to be better– even if it is just a little bit. We are in control of this one – I think it best we make it explicit and reap the benefits of better in all dimensions of our life.
Loving life, when I am better than before!