The Big Idea

Seems that we can appreciate when we hear of a big idea.  We can look from afar and get a sense of the potential impact that they can have.   And we have admiration for those who spawn such ideas.  But why leave it there, are we not all capable of a “big idea” .  Of course we are – it is just a matter of choosing to put some mental and physical energy to it.  We have to leave convention and think non-linear.  We need to spend time freeing the mind from all of the reasons “why not”.  We need to put ourselves in a positive place, a state of mind that believes anything is possible.  When we do this, by the way, all of which is possible, big ideas have a way of showing themselves.  The big idea can be personal, professional, or societal – the only criteria is that it stretches how we think, what we do today and what is possible.   We should do this and then do it again – even if we come up empty the process is great for our mind – body – soul connection.  So, have some fun, reach for that big idea and make it part of your THPL journey.  We only can gain from this effort….

Loving life, when seeking the big idea