Clean Eating

We put a lot of strain on ourselves when we are on our THPL journey.  And it is clear that some days we just feel better than other days.  There is a strong correlation to those great days and what we eat.  What we put into our bodies directly impacts how we feel, both physically and mentally. Processed foods — especially ones with long lists of ingredients, create a strain in our system as we try to work them out of ourselves. Clean eating eliminates that problem, but you need to know what to look for. Clean eating is eating whole, nourishing food that keeps your body strong.  It’s going back to basics, where food doesn’t come prepackaged and have ingredients that you can’t pronounce Clean eating reduces our toxic load. There are chemicals all around and over time, toxins can build up in the body and can contribute to pain and stress.  By eliminating the “bad” stuff we take a big load off our body.  And when we embrace clean eating we are embracing a lifestyle, not a diet.  So, start down the clean eating path, think about what you are eating, and be good to yourself – your overall THPL performance will just get better and better. 

Loving life, when eating clean