One of the best parts of being on the THPL journey is interacting with others who are on their own version of the journey. It is more than just camaraderie that we get – we get inspiration – we get ideas – we get motivated. So much of what is interesting are the stories of struggle and sacrifice – it is captivating to hear of the big challenges and how they were overcome and to hear of the way that our peers reacted in difficult circumstance. So much to be learned by and through their experience. Lest we make this one sided, it is incumbent on all of us to share our stories – the community thrives on them – it is the fuel for doing more, and the more challenging the struggle, the more compelling the sacrifice, the more we love the story and the more that the stories tug on our. So, have you told one of your stories lately? Are you planning to live a few more so that you can tell more stories? Seems to me that this is integral to the narrative that is THPL and we should be getting to it each and every day!
Loving life, listening to stories – bring them on!