Why?..... It is such a simple question – why are we on the THPL journey? Innocent and yet complex on so many levels. The question can be answered simply or it can be answered after much soul searching. And in many ways both answers are legitimate. A quick assessment that gives us a temporal reply, one that keeps us on track…..yes, I do want to continue on – I like the activities and the community. And then there is the deeper why, the one that requires an internal assessment – an honest look inside that can feel uncomfortable but can be so beneficial. We might not like the answer, or we might not have the answer but regardless we have to dig deeply to find out our motivations, our fears, our reasons. THPL is there for all of us – and when we answer “why” we put ourselves on a path towards personal fulfillment. To get there requires work and effort, so let’s see if we can make an effort to find out more and more about our “why” and then see how it feels as we get closer to our true answer as to “why”.
Loving life, with many why’s around me.