Upping the Game

We all know that our focus on fitness on the THPL journey serves more than just our physical needs.  We get so many collateral benefits from a strong fitness regimen that makes our Life and Learning elements equally amped up.  And as such it is great to think about how we can practically up our fitness activities to bring even more benefits to how we think and feel.  And even though we need little reminder there are a few thoughts that can help us as we push forward on our THPL journey.

·      With Passion, we can all improve – putin that extra bit of effort and it is amazing how well the body responds.

·      Always remember the words – It is Possible – no reason to start off defeated – a simple mindset reminder to know that we can do it and we are already closer to our goal.

·      Remember why you are doing it – whatever the reason, this reminder keeps us positive and consistent – there is so much to gain and we can ensure it happens when we stay true to our own version of “why”.

All of which leads us to having good days and great days, never even the hint of anything else.

Loving life, when I up my game