I learned a lot

One month into 2016 and our THPL journey is well on its way in this new year.  There is a lot going on around us.  And with that, whether it be the world stage, the political landscape, the financial markets, climate change or any other “big” topic, we have an opportunity to grab a hold of one of these topics and dig in, embrace it, think about it, talk about it and absorb it.  And then to do it again, and again.  The intrinsic value of pressing the learning button of THPL is way bigger than we sometimes give credence to.  As we stretch our brain, absorb more, fire those neurons, so many good things happen.  We are catalyzed to act, we are ready to debate, we are better prepared to navigate on our journey of life.  We need to take the moments that we have and embrace the opportunity to learn and we should challenge ourselves to make it the central point of conversations in and amongst those close to us and far away from us. Debate big ideas – do it often – leave the trivial to the side and feel the power that comes of it.  It is a great feeling for sure.

Loving life ….every time I learn something!