On our THPL journey we can get so “busy” that much of what we do is taken for granted. We do it by rote routine and to get beyond this we have to make a sincere effort to make ourselves aware of what we are doing. Even a moments reflection will highlight how easy it is or us to take for granted what we do. And if we leave it there we lose the opportunity to improve. So, in a very small way, to start to break out of our “rut” we can “play” with the idea and try to do things that force us to realize how much we take for granted. Take for example something as simple as brushing our teeth. We use our dominant hand to do this – how about we try doing the same thing but with the other hand. When we take on this kind of challenge we realize how much we have learned and how much we practiced to get to the level of competence where we can effectively brush our teeth. Change hands and we are essentially starting as a beginner. A great (and frustrating) feeling it is…yet it is through this change process that we will learn again and learn better and we will have taken ourselves and our capabilities to the next level. It is a mission worth pursuing and a path worth taking.
Loving life with I use my “other” hand