Where to live

Much of how we experience our THPL journey is dependent on where we live.  Some locale’s are good for outdoors activities, some have a strong sense of the arts and culture, and some are good for familial type living.  And when we think about what it is that ignites our power it is often a function of the people around us or the landscape that we find ourselves in.  So, if indeed it is the case that where we live makes a big impact on how we embrace THPL maybe it is worthy of a stronger consideration than we might have given it.  We need not feel “stuck” where we live, we should think about living in a place that enables our power, passion and possibility to flourish.  We are in control over where we live and it is worth putting in the effort to get to a location that gives us the best pathway to personal fulfillment – maybe it will be close by or far away – either way, let’s find out how to get there sooner than later!

Loving life when I live in the best place for my version of THPL