A big day for all of us regardless of our THPL inclination. Black Friday, the day that starts the holiday season. A day that has become bigger than imagined. It brings with it a level of action and execution that makes everyone work differently so as to meet the demands of the motivated consumer. Seems like that to pull off a “day” like this requires many THPL attributes and fits into our Dream it, Plan it, Practice it, Do it, approach. Interesting to think about the day through this lens instead of just the end of the process. All steps are required to make the day happen. And then we can think of the “label” “Black Friday” – why it is called this and what the origin of the day is? There is the Retail explanation, that we start making profit the day after Thanksgiving. Then there is the historical reference from 1869 when two guys tried to buy up all of the gold in the US and then created a crash of sorts (Black Friday) on Friday, September 24th. THPL likes the learning that goes along with the research and the resulting knowledge of what Black Friday is all about. All in all, a big day, for so many reasons and an opportunity to connect THPL to the bigger retail mission
Loving life when I don’t have to shop on Black Friday