When we think about the THPL community we see that there are lots of variations on the theme. Some of us are older, some younger, some women, some men, some of color, some of different upbringing, some of different experiences and some with no experience of all. And on our daily journey we will get a glimpse of some set of what we consider extraordinary people, who do amazing things, and we will remark on their accomplishments. Truth be told, the only truly amazing thing about them is that they decided to tap their potential, they set their life in a direction that allowed them to achieve some, and then some more, and more still. What “they” do is available to all of us – we just have to realize that we, each of us, have amazing untapped potential. The question we need to ask ourselves is – are we going to tap our potential and create our own extraordinary life…….or…... we only going to be observers…..
Loving life when I realize the power that I have