December 21 in the northern hemisphere and we have the least sunshine of any day of the year. And it happens every year, so we should be well practiced in the specifics of this day. There is a scientific significance of the winter solstice, for sure, where the sun is located in the sky etc. But more than the science it is a day that makes us want to look ahead, from this day forward lots of change happens. The sun starts to work back to its highest point in a year and we have an opportunity, as daylight gets longer, to do more and more under the watch of our beautiful sun. Most importantly, though, is the feeling of awakening, of doing more, a path to the light and lots of it. It is a cycle that is recognized by cultures around the world and embraced by THPL. THPL is indeed all about growth and renewal and the winter solstice is a good trigger to remind us of this. Here’s to more sun, soon…..
Loving life on the day of the winter solstice