Turning off.....

It seems that if you live THPL to the design point that there is little time to do anything but stay committed to the journey.  The pursuit of “a lot”.  Seems ok, right?  What though, if there was a way to not always have to be “on”, that we could indeed be busy, productive and challenged but to do so, at times, with less intensity, less commitment, maybe even turning off some of our sensors so that we can reset and create a foundation for doing more.  We could even be active and “turn off’, for example we could take a run and not think of anything.  We could be in the car and not listen to the radio.  There a tons of opportunities to turn off, we just have to make it important and then act on it.  There might be some really cool unintended consequences that come of turning off for a bit.  We can do so, and then see what happens, that there is really no downside, only upside by turning off for a little while.  Indeed there is…..

Loving life when I take an opportunity to turn off.