The holiday season is upon us and the THPL journey continues. We need not worry about our community at this time of year. We are all blessed and fortunate to have found such a way to live such that we can do nothing but celebrate and say thanks. And so it is this time of the year when our attention should shift to focus on those of our broader community, the one’s who need help and assistance at this time of year. They are all around us and with just a little bit of effort we can seek them out and offer help, a warm blanket, a car ride somewhere, a real meal, some clothes….anything that can help them get through this difficult time when having less feels even worse than ever. Starting today let’s all see what we can do to help a person a day. There can be no better way to go through the holiday season than helping those of less fortune. Nothing more true could be stated…..
Loving life when I help others