We are, on our THPL journey, seeking insights and advice that can improve our performance. Much of this learning comes from the peers in our community and this is great. Then there are some other times when we stumble upon info that gets our attention and makes us pause, and maybe even make a change in how we live and how we think. Today I was reading an interesting article on healthy food in schools and came across the following statement “After Conscious Kitchen’s pilot year at Bayside MLK, a K-8 school, administrators reported an increase in student leadership, attendance, and academic performance, and a 67 percent decrease in disciplinary problems. National statistics reinforce these findings. A 2014 study of eighth graders from Ohio State University found that eating fast food lowered students’ math and reading scores. In 2008, Nature Reviews Neuroscience published research indicating that a diet high in trans and saturated fats can wreak havoc on learning and memory. Poor nutrition also affects behavior. In 2008, comprehensive analysis from the Harvard School of Public Health concluded that students with access to nutritious meals—especially breakfast—showed lowered rates of aggression and disciplinary problems”. Ok, so if the food we eat can have this kind of impact on students it would seem logical that it has the same kind of impact on all members of the THPL community. Maybe, then, it is time for all of us to review what we eat and optimize our food plan to the best degree possible. Seems like it would have a big and positive impact.
Loving life ….when eating the right kinds of foods