There have been many an occasion on the THPL journey when we have contemplated words, some similar to each other, and some different, and the implications when we look at them closely on our way of thinking about THPL. Power and strength, seem to fit into the THPL “topic”. They feel different, close, but not the same. But how are we to think about them. The definitions cast “Power” as the amount of energy produced in a set amount of time, and “Strength” as the inherent capacity to manifest energy, to endure. So are we powerful or strong? Are we both? It sort of depends, and it does feel like we can be one or the other or both. The key is that they are both explicit representations of the kinds of traits that we aspire to have and to have more of. More power or greater strength give us the ability to embrace THPL at a bigger level. And with the definitions in hand we can indeed do this – embrace power –embrace strength and do it better and better every time.
Loving life ….with loads of power and strength