Spring Training

As we travel along on our THPL journey there are moments and times when we realize we need to reinforce the basics, when we need to practice, when we need to reset to get ready for the next step along the journey.  There is no better metaphor for this than in professional baseball when, each year, they get together for Spring Training.  They are experts in their sport, professionals and very accomplished…yet they take time every year to start from the basics and get ready for another season.  And so it is – our thesis is correct.  We should take time, minimally, once a year, to reset ourselves and to build that strong foundation so that we can give it our best.  The return on our efforts will be great and the time taken invaluable.  Seems the case is closed on this one – spring training it is! 

Loving life ….when I get the opportunity to go back to the basics.