Bring out the best

We know that while on the THPL journey that our plan, our focus and our execution gets us to make incredible progress.  And even when we know that we are doing very well, there is that nagging feeling that there is more that we can tap into, we know that we can be better.  So, how do we get to it?  One of the best ways to get to that latent capability is to find someone, in our life, who can test us, push us, drive us.  They are the people whom we trust implicitly, whom are so good with us, that they help us get beyond our potential resistance to input and we start listening.  When we do this we are on the path to being better.  It is a magical moment and it tells us that THPL community, is where it is at.  Power in motion to bring out our best….yea!

Loving life ….when I am getting better and better