Emotional Intelligence

There are a lot of key attributes that create a strong foundation for how we go about our THPL journey.  We talk about them all the time and they are highly practical.  They can give us the fuel that we need to improve our performance.  But if we are to get beyond just the practical, technical, measured approaches we need to tap into the possibilities of what can happen when we reach into the emotional intelligence (EI) characteristic..  We know people who skew high on emotional intelligence.  It involves having a deep level of self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.  What many call the soft skills. That is not to minimize the importance or effectiveness (of EI) rather it is there to balance the type A approach of pushing harder and harder all the time.  And so maybe what we need to do is to look for others who have a strong and deep level of EI and model their behavior.  It can be an accelerator and also very satisfying to see that there are other ways to get to the next level of personal fulfillment.  

Loving life ….when I put my EI quotient to work