
It would seem quite normal that while on our THPL journey we would be interested in new people and new experiences. Going to new places, trying new activities, hanging out with different people or exploring ideas that don’t fit our existing mind-set would be a great way for us to get more of our journey.  We just have to make this important each day.  So, maybe we should take time to notice what is going on around us; we can bring an inquisitive approach to all that we do, showing up with a genuine interest for the people and things around us. It doesn’t mean it might not be hard to be inquisitive, sometimes it might even be uncomfortable, but when we do bring this way of thinking, and being, we will be able experience the delight of being able to look, listen, taste, touch, feel, and learn from our environment. We may not know all about what is around us, but, when we are inquisitive, for sure we will not limit our journey with a fixed (or practiced) perspective. Enjoy, seems this can be a lot of fun

Loving life ….when I am more inquisitive (than not)