Along the journey that is THPL it would seem quite reasonable, if not expected, that to achieve the goals that we have set for ourselves, would require that we make changes in our approach (eg. training, executing). And there is nothing wrong with change; sometimes we might even look forward to it. The issue with change is that if we make the change too big, too difficult then we might not sustain the change. Thus, an approach that suggests we make small changes might just be the best one to take. Small changes, like eating vegetables one more day per week, or reading one more book a month, or running one mile more a week, are the kind of changes that we can commit to and get done (and keep getting done). The even better part is that if we can keep up even the smallest of changes, then over time, big change occurs. So, the real secret is small change + long time = continuous improvement. Now this is an approach worth considering!
Loving life when making small change