One of the implied elements of THPL is our ability to support each other along the journey. And we all know that we do better and feel better when we have support from people we respect, people who are like us, or people who bring to us a positive spirit. With this in mind and a realization that we can do the same thing for others we need to make it important to be there for others, all the time. We can start this by showing excitement when we meet someone. We should show them a level of enthusiasm for “who” they are and the power that they have. Often the surprise that our excitement will bring will baffle them but soon after they will appreciate the gift that we give them and the power that we provide. We have so much potential, all we need to do is to tap into it – and we can start that easily the next time we see someone. Let’s give it a go – we have only benefit to come from it.
Loving life when I hit the excitement button