What did I miss….

The THPL journey is one that is supposed to bring peace and serenity to our life.  It does this because we stay focused on the essence of living life with an explicit sense of purpose and aspiration.  We satisfy so much of what we need that we are indeed able to drive towards an increased level of personal fulfillment.  And as wonderful as this is, there is the risk while on our path forward, other things happen that we are not aware of, things that would be good to know, that would help us on our journey…or minimally make us more informed.   And in this situation we can do something about it – we can be active in reaching out to others who might have info that we need, we can subscribe to mailing lists that bring to us info that can be helpful and we can spend time (in a committed way) to look for interesting info that will keep us “in the know”.  We have so much control and opportunity that we need to go get it and do so such that the THPL journey just gets better and better as a result.

Loving life when I make sure that I did not miss anything