High Class Problems

For just about anyone who takes to THPL as a way of life, we have by definition, if not mandate, that we will live a very good, personally fulfilled life.   And along our journey we might find a struggle or two – which may feel big at the time as they get in the way of what it is that we want to achieve.  But as we dig into what it is that is bothering us, we have to tell ourselves that what we really have are “high class problems”.  They are only problems on a relative scale – not on an absolute scale.  Yes, it is ok for the issues or struggles to bother us, we just cannot let them bother us for long.  We need to step back and realize that most around us would aspire to have our "problems" as they are the result of the successes we have had in our lives…..and this is in actuality a very good thing.  So, let’s go find some of those high class problems and then some – it will mean that our THPL is just getting better and better

Loving life when I have high class problems