It is hard to think about the journey that we call THPL and not stop for a moment and reflect on the tragedies that are happening around us with a frequency that is unacceptable, horrific and reprehensible. Lives lost and taken – can we just live with this? We need not get preachy, we need not tell others how to live their lives, but…..we need to know that for every one of the 7.4 billion people who live on mother earth we all have the same reason to be here. To live our lives, as we each decide to live, in a way that fits into our global society. A tapestry of people, and a mosaic of differences, that make the world a wonderful place. We have to protect it and make lives sacred where not one of our fellow world citizens is here to judge us, or take from us, that which is ours and ours to hold onto for a very long time. We all matter and we all have to live that way. There is really no alternative. The challenge for the day is to think about how each of us can take an action to show that all lives matter. To live that way and to be a role model for what each of us should expect of the other. Your life matters and so does mine……
Loving life when all lives matter